Case studies ============ Here we list completed datasets, with the reproducible code that made them, link to the created references and possibly notebook/benchmark examples. This page is a work in progress. All datasets available here will also be listed in the repo Intake catalogue. .. note:: This page needs to be cleaned up and the cases standardized. Sentinel Global coherence ------------------------- Native data format: GeoTIFF. Effective in-memory size: 400TB. Documentation: Discussion: Generator script: Notebook: Solar Dynamics Observatory -------------------------- Native data format: FITS. Effective in-memory data size: 400GB Notes: each wavelength filter is presented as a separate variable. The DATE-OBS of the nearest preceding 94A image is used for other filters to maintain a single time axis for all variables. Notebook: National Water Model -------------------- Native data format: NetCDF4/HDF5. Effective in-memory size: 80TB Notes: there are so many files, that dask and a tee reduction were required to aggregate the metadata. Generator notebook: Notebook: MUR SST ------- Native data format: NetCDF4/HDF5. Effective in-memory size: 66TB. On disk size: 16TB Documentation: Notebook: Notes: Global sea surface temperature data. The notebook includes benchmarks. See the notebook for how to establish NASA Earthdata credentials necessary for data access. HRRR ---- Native format: GRIB2. Effective in-memory size: 1.5GB (11-file subset) Documentation: Notebook (generation and use): Notes: High-Resolution Rapid Refresh, real-time 3-km resolution, hourly updated, cloud-resolving, convection-allowing atmospheric model from NOAA. Notebook extracts only sections matching the filter "heightAboveGround=2". .. raw:: html