Source code for kerchunk.netCDF3

from functools import reduce
from operator import mul

import numpy as np
from fsspec.implementations.reference import LazyReferenceMapper
import fsspec

from kerchunk.utils import _encode_for_JSON, inline_array

    from import ZERO, NC_VARIABLE, netcdf_file, netcdf_variable
except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover
    raise ImportError(
        "Scipy is required for kerchunking NetCDF3 files. Please install with "
        "`pip/conda install scipy`. See for more details."

[docs] class NetCDF3ToZarr(netcdf_file): """Generate references for a netCDF3 file Uses scipy's netCDF3 reader, but only reads the metadata. Note that instances do behave like actual scipy netcdf files, but contain no valid data. Also appears to work for netCDF2, although this is not currently tested. """
[docs] def __init__( self, filename, storage_options=None, inline_threshold=100, max_chunk_size=0, out=None, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- filename: str location of the input storage_options: dict passed to fsspec when opening filename inline_threshold: int Byte size below which an array will be embedded in the output. Use 0 to disable inlining. max_chunk_size: int How big a chunk can be before triggering subchunking. If 0, there is no subchunking, and there is never subchunking for coordinate/dimension arrays. E.g., if an array contains 10,000bytes, and this value is 6000, there will be two output chunks, split on the biggest available dimension. [TBC] out: dict-like or None This allows you to supply an fsspec.implementations.reference.LazyReferenceMapper to write out parquet as the references get filled, or some other dictionary-like class to customise how references get stored args, kwargs: passed to scipy superclass ```` """ assert kwargs.pop("mmap", False) is False assert kwargs.pop("mode", "r") == "r" assert kwargs.pop("maskandscale", False) is False # attributes set before super().__init__ don't accidentally turn into # dataset attributes self.chunks = {} self.threshold = inline_threshold self.max_chunk_size = max_chunk_size self.out = out or {} self.storage_options = storage_options self.fp =, **(storage_options or {})).open() magic = assert magic[:3] == b"CDF" version = kwargs.pop("version", None) or magic[3] super().__init__( self.fp, mmap=False, mode="r", maskandscale=False, version=version, ) self.filename = filename # this becomes an attribute, so must ignore on write
def _read_var_array(self): header = if header not in [ZERO, NC_VARIABLE]: raise ValueError("Unexpected header.") begin = 0 dtypes = {"names": [], "formats": []} rec_vars = [] count = self._unpack_int() for var in range(count): ( name, dimensions, shape, attributes, typecode, size, dtype_, begin_, vsize, ) = self._read_var() if shape and shape[0] is None: # record variable rec_vars.append(name) # The netCDF "record size" is calculated as the sum of # the vsize's of all the record variables. self.__dict__["_recsize"] += vsize if begin == 0: begin = begin_ dtypes["names"].append(name) dtypes["formats"].append(str(shape[1:]) + dtype_) # Handle padding with a virtual variable. if typecode in "bch": actual_size = reduce(mul, (1,) + shape[1:]) * size padding = -actual_size % 4 if padding: dtypes["names"].append("_padding_%d" % var) dtypes["formats"].append("(%d,)>b" % padding) # Data will be set later. data = None else: # not a record variable # Calculate size to avoid problems with vsize (above) a_size = reduce(mul, shape, 1) * size self.chunks[name] = [begin_, a_size, dtype_, shape] if name in ["latitude", "longitude", "time"]: pos = self.fp.tell() data = np.frombuffer(, dtype=dtype_).copy() # data.shape = shape else: data = np.empty(1, dtype=dtype_) # Add variable. self.variables[name] = netcdf_variable( data, typecode, size, shape, dimensions, attributes, maskandscale=self.maskandscale, ) if rec_vars: # Remove padding when only one record variable. if len(rec_vars) == 1: dtypes["names"] = dtypes["names"][:1] dtypes["formats"] = dtypes["formats"][:1] pos = self.fp.tell() self.chunks.setdefault("record_array", []).append( [begin, self._recs * self._recsize, dtypes] )
[docs] def translate(self): """ Produce references dictionary Parameters ---------- """ import zarr out = self.out z =, mode="w") for dim, var in self.variables.items(): if dim in self.chunks: shape = self.chunks[dim][-1] elif dim in self.dimensions: shape = self.dimensions[dim] else: # defer record array continue if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (shape,) if shape is None or (len(shape) and shape[0] is None): # defer record array continue else: # simple array block # TODO: chance to sub-chunk fill = var._attributes.get("missing_value", None) if fill is None: fill = var._attributes.get("_FillValue", None) if fill is not None and == "f": fill = float(fill) if fill is not None and == "i": fill = int(fill) arr = z.create_dataset( name=dim, shape=shape,, fill_value=fill, chunks=shape, compression=None, ) part = ".".join(["0"] * len(shape)) or "0" k = f"{dim}/{part}" out[k] = [ self.filename, int(self.chunks[dim][0]), int(self.chunks[dim][1]), ] arr.attrs.update( { k: v.decode() if isinstance(v, bytes) else str(v) for k, v in var._attributes.items() if k not in ["_FillValue", "missing_value"] } ) for k in ["add_offset", "scale_factor"]: if k in arr.attrs: arr.attrs[k] = float(arr.attrs[k]) arr.attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = list(var.dimensions) if "record_array" in self.chunks: # native chunks version (no codec, no options) start, size, dt = self.chunks["record_array"][0] dt = np.dtype(dt) itemsize = sum(dt[_].itemsize for _ in dt.names) outer_shape = size // itemsize offset = start for name in dt.names: dtype = dt[name] # Skip padding, but increment offset. if name.startswith("_padding_"): offset += dtype.itemsize continue # the order of the names if fixed and important! var = self.variables[name] base = dtype.base # actual dtype shape = (outer_shape,) + dtype.shape # TODO: avoid this code repeat fill = var._attributes.get("missing_value", None) if fill is None: fill = var._attributes.get("_FillValue", None) if fill is not None and base.kind == "f": fill = float(fill) if fill is not None and base.kind == "i": fill = int(fill) arr = z.create_dataset( name=name, shape=shape, dtype=base, fill_value=fill, chunks=(1,) + dtype.shape, compression=None, ) arr.attrs.update( { k: v.decode() if isinstance(v, bytes) else str(v) for k, v in var._attributes.items() if k not in ["_FillValue", "missing_value"] } ) for k in ["add_offset", "scale_factor"]: if k in arr.attrs: arr.attrs[k] = float(arr.attrs[k]) arr.attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = list(var.dimensions) suffix = ( ("." + ".".join("0" for _ in dtype.shape)) if dtype.shape else "" ) for i in range(outer_shape): out[f"{name}/{i}{suffix}"] = [ self.filename, int(offset + i * dt.itemsize), int(dtype.itemsize), ] offset += dtype.itemsize z.attrs.update( { k: v.decode() if isinstance(v, bytes) else str(v) for k, v in self._attributes.items() if k != "filename" # special "attribute" } ) if self.threshold: out = inline_array( out, self.threshold, remote_options=dict(remote_options=self.storage_options), ) if isinstance(out, LazyReferenceMapper): out.flush() return out else: out = _encode_for_JSON(out) return {"version": 1, "refs": out}
netcdf_recording_file = NetCDF3ToZarr # old name