Source code for kerchunk.grib2

import base64
import copy
import io
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Iterable, List, Dict, Set
import ujson

import fsspec
import zarr
import xarray
import numpy as np

from kerchunk.utils import class_factory, _encode_for_JSON
from kerchunk.codecs import GRIBCodec
from kerchunk.combine import MultiZarrToZarr, drop
from kerchunk._grib_idx import (

    import cfgrib
except ModuleNotFoundError as err:  # pragma: no cover
    if == "cfgrib":
        raise ImportError(
            "cfgrib is needed to kerchunk GRIB2 files. Please install it with "
            "`conda install -c conda-forge cfgrib`. See "
            "for more details."

# cfgrib copies over certain GRIB attributes
# but renames them to CF-compliant values
    "long_name": "GRIB_name",
    "units": "GRIB_units",
    "standard_name": "GRIB_cfName",

logger = logging.getLogger("grib2-to-zarr")

def _split_file(f: io.FileIO, skip=0):
    if hasattr(f, "size"):
        size = f.size
        size =, 2)
    part = 0

    while f.tell() < size:
        logger.debug(f"extract part {part + 1}")
        head =
        if b"GRIB" not in head:
  , 1)
        ind = head.index(b"GRIB")
        start = f.tell() - len(head) + ind
        part_size = int.from_bytes(head[ind + 12 : ind + 16], "big")
        yield start, part_size,
        part += 1
        if skip and part >= skip:

def _store_array(store, z, data, var, inline_threshold, offset, size, attr):
    nbytes = data.dtype.itemsize
    for i in data.shape:
        nbytes *= i

    shape = tuple(data.shape or ())
    if nbytes < inline_threshold:
        logger.debug(f"Store {var} inline")
        d = z.create_dataset(
            fill_value=attr.get("missingValue", None),
        if hasattr(data, "tobytes"):
            b = data.tobytes()
            b = data.build_array().tobytes()
            # easiest way to test if data is ascii
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            b = b"base64:" + base64.b64encode(data)
        store[f"{var}/0"] = b.decode("ascii")
        logger.debug(f"Store {var} reference")
        d = z.create_dataset(
            fill_value=attr.get("missingValue", None),
            filters=[GRIBCodec(var=var, dtype=str(data.dtype))],
        store[f"{var}/" + ".".join(["0"] * len(shape))] = ["{{u}}", offset, size]

[docs] def scan_grib( url, common=None, storage_options=None, inline_threshold=100, skip=0, filter={}, ) -> List[Dict]: """ Generate references for a GRIB2 file Parameters ---------- url: str File location common_vars: (depr, do not use) storage_options: dict For accessing the data, passed to filesystem inline_threshold: int If given, store array data smaller than this value directly in the output skip: int If non-zero, stop processing the file after this many messages filter: dict keyword filtering. For each key, only messages where the key exists and has the exact value or is in the given set, are processed. E.g., the cf-style filter ``{'typeOfLevel': 'heightAboveGround', 'level': 2}`` only keeps messages where heightAboveGround==2. Returns ------- list(dict): references dicts in Version 1 format, one per message in the file """ import eccodes storage_options = storage_options or {} logger.debug(f"Open {url}") # This is hardcoded a lot in cfgrib! # valid_time is added if "time" and "step" are present in time_dims # These are present by default # TIME_DIMS = ["step", "time", "valid_time"] out = [] with, "rb", **storage_options) as f: logger.debug(f"File {url}") for offset, size, data in _split_file(f, skip=skip): store = {} mid = eccodes.codes_new_from_message(data) m = cfgrib.cfmessage.CfMessage(mid) # It would be nice to just have a list of valid keys # There does not seem to be a nice API for this # 1. message_grib_keys returns keys coded in the message # 2. There exist "computed" keys, that are functions applied on the data # 3. There are also aliases! # e.g. "number" is an alias of "perturbationNumber", and cfgrib uses this alias # So we stick to checking membership in 'm', which ends up doing # a lot of reads. message_keys = set(m.message_grib_keys()) # The choices here copy cfgrib :( # message_keys.update(cfgrib.dataset.INDEX_KEYS) # message_keys.update(TIME_DIMS) # print("totalNumber" in cfgrib.dataset.INDEX_KEYS) # Adding computed keys adds a lot that isn't added by cfgrib # message_keys.extend(m.computed_keys) shape = (m["Ny"], m["Nx"]) # thank you, gribscan native_type = eccodes.codes_get_native_type(m.codes_id, "values") data_size = eccodes.codes_get_size(m.codes_id, "values") coordinates = [] good = True for k, v in (filter or {}).items(): if k not in m: good = False elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple, set)): if m[k] not in v: good = False elif m[k] != v: good = False if good is False: continue z = zarr.open_group(store) global_attrs = { f"GRIB_{k}": m[k] for k in cfgrib.dataset.GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES_KEYS if k in m } if "GRIB_centreDescription" in global_attrs: # follow CF compliant renaming from cfgrib global_attrs["institution"] = global_attrs["GRIB_centreDescription"] z.attrs.update(global_attrs) if data_size < inline_threshold: # read the data vals = m["values"].reshape(shape) else: # dummy array to match the required interface vals = np.empty(shape, dtype=native_type) assert vals.size == data_size attrs = { # Follow cfgrib convention and rename key f"GRIB_{k}": m[k] for k in cfgrib.dataset.DATA_ATTRIBUTES_KEYS + cfgrib.dataset.EXTRA_DATA_ATTRIBUTES_KEYS + cfgrib.dataset.GRID_TYPE_MAP.get(m["gridType"], []) if k in m } for k, v in ATTRS_TO_COPY_OVER.items(): if v in attrs: attrs[k] = attrs[v] # try to use cfVarName if available, # otherwise use the grib shortName varName = m["cfVarName"] if varName in ("undef", "unknown"): varName = m["shortName"] _store_array(store, z, vals, varName, inline_threshold, offset, size, attrs) if "typeOfLevel" in message_keys and "level" in message_keys: name = m["typeOfLevel"] coordinates.append(name) # convert to numpy scalar, so that .tobytes can be used for inlining # dtype=float is hardcoded in cfgrib data = np.array(m["level"], dtype=float)[()] try: attrs = cfgrib.dataset.COORD_ATTRS[name] except KeyError: logger.debug(f"Couldn't find coord {name} in dataset") attrs = {} attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = [] _store_array( store, z, data, name, inline_threshold, offset, size, attrs ) dims = ( ["y", "x"] if m["gridType"] in cfgrib.dataset.GRID_TYPES_2D_NON_DIMENSION_COORDS else ["latitude", "longitude"] ) z[varName].attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = dims for coord in cfgrib.dataset.COORD_ATTRS: coord2 = { "latitude": "latitudes", "longitude": "longitudes", "step": "step:int", }.get(coord, coord) try: x = m.get(coord2) except eccodes.WrongStepUnitError as e: logger.warning( "Ignoring coordinate '%s' for varname '%s', raises: eccodes.WrongStepUnitError(%s)", coord2, varName, e, ) continue if x is None: continue coordinates.append(coord) inline_extra = 0 if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and x.size == data_size: if ( m["gridType"] in cfgrib.dataset.GRID_TYPES_2D_NON_DIMENSION_COORDS ): dims = ["y", "x"] x = x.reshape(vals.shape) else: dims = [coord] if coord == "latitude": x = x.reshape(vals.shape)[:, 0].copy() elif coord == "longitude": x = x.reshape(vals.shape)[0].copy() # force inlining of x/y/latitude/longitude coordinates. # since these are derived from analytic formulae # and are not stored in the message inline_extra = x.nbytes + 1 elif np.isscalar(x): # convert python scalars to numpy scalar # so that .tobytes can be used for inlining x = np.array(x)[()] dims = [] else: x = np.array([x]) dims = [coord] attrs = cfgrib.dataset.COORD_ATTRS[coord] _store_array( store, z, x, coord, inline_threshold + inline_extra, offset, size, attrs, ) z[coord].attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = dims if coordinates: z.attrs["coordinates"] = " ".join(coordinates) out.append( { "version": 1, "refs": _encode_for_JSON(store), "templates": {"u": url}, } ) logger.debug("Done") return out
GribToZarr = class_factory(scan_grib) def example_combine( filter={"typeOfLevel": "heightAboveGround", "level": 2} ): # pragma: no cover """Create combined dataset of weather measurements at 2m height Ten consecutive timepoints from ten 120MB files on s3. Example usage: >>> tot = example_combine() >>> ds = xr.open_dataset("reference://", engine="zarr", backend_kwargs={ ... "consolidated": False, ... "storage_options": {"fo": tot, "remote_options": {"anon": True}}}) """ files = [ "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190101/conus/hrrr.t22z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190101/conus/hrrr.t23z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190102/conus/hrrr.t00z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190102/conus/hrrr.t01z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190102/conus/hrrr.t02z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190102/conus/hrrr.t03z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190102/conus/hrrr.t04z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190102/conus/hrrr.t05z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", "s3://noaa-hrrr-bdp-pds/hrrr.20190102/conus/hrrr.t06z.wrfsfcf01.grib2", ] so = {"anon": True, "default_cache_type": "readahead"} out = [scan_grib(u, storage_options=so, filter=filter) for u in files] out = sum(out, []) mzz = MultiZarrToZarr( out, remote_protocol="s3", preprocess=drop(("valid_time", "step")), remote_options=so, concat_dims=["time", "var"], identical_dims=["heightAboveGround", "latitude", "longitude"], ) return mzz.translate() def grib_tree( message_groups: Iterable[Dict], remote_options=None, ) -> Dict: """ Build a hierarchical data model from a set of scanned grib messages. The iterable input groups should be a collection of results from scan_grib. Multiple grib files can be processed together to produce an FMRC like collection. The time (reference_time) and step coordinates will be used as concat_dims in the MultiZarrToZarr aggregation. Each variable name will become a group with nested subgroups representing the grib step type and grib level. The resulting hierarchy can be opened as a zarr_group or a xarray datatree. Grib message variable names that decode as "unknown" are dropped Grib typeOfLevel attributes that decode as unknown are treated as a single group Grib steps that are missing due to WrongStepUnitError are patched with NaT The input message_groups should not be modified by this method Parameters ---------- message_groups: iterable[dict] a collection of zarr store like dictionaries as produced by scan_grib remote_options: dict remote options to pass to MultiZarrToZarr Returns ------- dict: A new zarr store like dictionary for use as a reference filesystem mapper with zarr or xarray datatree """ # Hard code the filters in the correct order for the group hierarchy filters = ["stepType", "typeOfLevel"] # TODO allow passing a LazyReferenceMapper as output? zarr_store = {} zroot = zarr.open_group(store=zarr_store) aggregations: Dict[str, List] = defaultdict(list) aggregation_dims: Dict[str, Set] = defaultdict(set) unknown_counter = 0 for msg_ind, group in enumerate(message_groups): assert group["version"] == 1 gattrs = ujson.loads(group["refs"][".zattrs"]) coordinates = gattrs["coordinates"].split(" ") # Find the data variable vname = None for key, entry in group["refs"].items(): name = key.split("/")[0] if name not in [".zattrs", ".zgroup"] and name not in coordinates: vname = name break if vname is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Can not find a data var for msg# {msg_ind} in {group['refs'].keys()}" ) if vname == "unknown": # To resolve unknown variables add custom grib tables. # # If you process the groups from a single file in order, you can use the msg# to compare with the # IDX file. The idx files message index is 1 based where the grib_tree message count is zero based logger.warning( "Dropping unknown variable in msg# %d. Compare with the grib idx file to help identify it" " and build an ecCodes local grib definitions file to fix it.", msg_ind, ) unknown_counter += 1 continue logger.debug("Processing vname: %s", vname) dattrs = ujson.loads(group["refs"][f"{vname}/.zattrs"]) # filter order matters - it determines the hierarchy gfilters = {} for key in filters: attr_val = dattrs.get(f"GRIB_{key}") if attr_val is None: continue if attr_val == "unknown": logger.warning( "Found 'unknown' attribute value for key %s in var %s of msg# %s", key, vname, msg_ind, ) # Use unknown as a group or drop it? gfilters[key] = attr_val zgroup = zroot.require_group(vname) if "name" not in zgroup.attrs: zgroup.attrs["name"] = dattrs.get("GRIB_name") for key, value in gfilters.items(): if value: # Ignore empty string and None # name the group after the attribute values: surface, instant, etc zgroup = zgroup.require_group(value) # Add an attribute to give context zgroup.attrs[key] = value # Set the coordinates attribute for the group zgroup.attrs["coordinates"] = " ".join(coordinates) # add to the list of groups to multi-zarr aggregations[zgroup.path].append(group) # keep track of the level coordinate variables and their values for key, entry in group["refs"].items(): name = key.split("/")[0] if name == gfilters.get("typeOfLevel") and key.endswith("0"): if isinstance(entry, list): entry = tuple(entry) aggregation_dims[zgroup.path].add(entry) concat_dims = ["time", "step"] identical_dims = ["longitude", "latitude"] for path in aggregations.keys(): # Parallelize this step! catdims = concat_dims.copy() idims = identical_dims.copy() level_dimension_value_count = len(aggregation_dims.get(path, ())) level_group_name = path.split("/")[-1] if level_dimension_value_count == 0: logger.debug( "Path % has no value coordinate value associated with the level name %s", path, level_group_name, ) elif level_dimension_value_count == 1: idims.append(level_group_name) elif level_dimension_value_count > 1: # The level name should be the last element in the path catdims.insert(3, level_group_name) "%s calling MultiZarrToZarr with idims %s and catdims %s", path, idims, catdims, ) mzz = MultiZarrToZarr( aggregations[path], remote_options=remote_options, concat_dims=catdims, identical_dims=idims, ) group = mzz.translate() for key, value in group["refs"].items(): if key not in [".zattrs", ".zgroup"]: zarr_store[f"{path}/{key}"] = value # Force all stored values to decode as string, not bytes. String should be correct. # ujson will reject bytes values by default. # Using 'reject_bytes=False' one write would fail an equality check on read. zarr_store = { key: (val.decode() if isinstance(val, bytes) else val) for key, val in zarr_store.items() } # TODO handle other kerchunk reference spec versions? result = dict(refs=zarr_store, version=1) return result def correct_hrrr_subhf_step(group: Dict) -> Dict: """ Overrides the definition of the "step" variable. Sets the value equal to the `valid_time - time` in hours as a floating point value. This fixes issues with the HRRR SubHF grib2 step as read by cfgrib via scan_grib. The result is a deep copy, the original data is unmodified. Parameters ---------- group: dict the zarr group store for a single grib message Returns ------- dict: A new zarr store like dictionary for use as a reference filesystem mapper with zarr or xarray datatree """ group = copy.deepcopy(group) group["refs"]["step/.zarray"] = ( '{"chunks":[],"compressor":null,"dtype":"<f8","fill_value":"NaN","filters":null,"order":"C",' '"shape":[],"zarr_format":2}' ) group["refs"]["step/.zattrs"] = ( '{"_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS":[],"long_name":"time since forecast_reference_time",' '"standard_name":"forecast_period","units":"hours"}' ) # add step to coords attrs = ujson.loads(group["refs"][".zattrs"]) if "step" not in attrs["coordinates"]: attrs["coordinates"] += " step" group["refs"][".zattrs"] = ujson.dumps(attrs) fo = fsspec.filesystem("reference", fo=group, mode="r") xd = xarray.open_dataset(fo.get_mapper(), engine="zarr", consolidated=False) correct_step = xd.valid_time.values - xd.time.values assert correct_step.shape == () step_float = correct_step.astype("timedelta64[s]").astype("float") / 3600.0 step_bytes = step_float.tobytes() try: enocded_val = step_bytes.decode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError: enocded_val = (b"base64:" + base64.b64encode(step_bytes)).decode("ascii") group["refs"]["step/0"] = enocded_val return group __all__ = [ "scan_grib", "grib_tree", "correct_hrrr_subhf_step", "example_combine", "parse_grib_idx", "build_idx_grib_mapping", "map_from_index", "strip_datavar_chunks", "reinflate_grib_store", "extract_datatree_chunk_index", "AggregationType", "read_store", "write_store", ]