Source code for kerchunk.fits

import fsspec
import logging
import numcodecs
import numpy as np
import zarr

from fsspec.implementations.reference import LazyReferenceMapper

from kerchunk.utils import class_factory, dict_to_store, translate_refs_serializable
from kerchunk.codecs import AsciiTableCodec, VarArrCodec

    from astropy.wcs import WCS
    from import fits
except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover
    raise ImportError(
        "astropy is required for kerchunking FIST files. Please install with "
        "`pip/conda install astropy`."

logger = logging.getLogger("fits-to-zarr")

    8: "uint8",
    16: ">i2",
    32: ">i4",
    64: ">i8",
    -32: ">f4",
    -64: ">f8",
}  # always bigendian

[docs] def process_file( url, storage_options=None, extension=None, inline_threshold=100, primary_attr_to_group=False, out=None, ): """ Create JSON references for a single FITS file as a zarr group Parameters ---------- url: str Where the file is storage_options: dict How to load that file (passed to fsspec) extension: list(int | str) | int | str or None Which extensions to include. Can be ordinal integer(s), the extension name (str) or if None, uses the first data extension inline_threshold: int (not yet implemented) primary_attr_to_group: bool Whether the output top-level group contains the attributes of the primary extension (which often contains no data, just a general description) out: dict-like or None This allows you to supply an fsspec.implementations.reference.LazyReferenceMapper to write out parquet as the references get filled, or some other dictionary-like class to customise how references get stored Returns ------- dict of the references """ from import fits storage_options = storage_options or {} out = out or {} store = dict_to_store(out) g = zarr.open_group(store=store, zarr_format=2) with, mode="rb", **storage_options) as f: infile =, do_not_scale_image_data=True) if extension is None: found = False for i, hdu in enumerate(infile): if hdu.header.get("NAXIS", 0) > 0: extension = [i] found = True break if not found: raise ValueError("No data extensions") elif isinstance(extension, (int, str)): extension = [extension] for ext in extension: hdu = infile[ext] hdu.header.__str__() # causes fixing of invalid cards attrs = dict(hdu.header) kwargs = {"compressor": None} if hdu.is_image: # for images/cubes (i.e., ndarrays with simple type) nax = hdu.header["NAXIS"] shape = tuple(int(hdu.header[f"NAXIS{i}"]) for i in range(nax, 0, -1)) dtype = BITPIX2DTYPE[hdu.header["BITPIX"]] length = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize for s in shape: length *= s if "BSCALE" in hdu.header or "BZERO" in hdu.header: kwargs["filters"] = [ numcodecs.FixedScaleOffset( offset=float(hdu.header.get("BZERO", 0)), scale=float(hdu.header.get("BSCALE", 1)), astype=dtype, dtype=float, ) ] else: kwargs["filters"] = None elif isinstance(hdu, fits.hdu.table.TableHDU): # ascii table spans = hdu.columns._spans outdtype = [ [name, hdu.columns[name].format.recformat] for name in hdu.columns.names ] indtypes = [ [name, f"S{i + 1}"] for name, i in zip(hdu.columns.names, spans) ] nrows = int(hdu.header["NAXIS2"]) shape = (nrows,) kwargs["filters"] = [AsciiTableCodec(indtypes, outdtype)] dtype = [tuple(d) for d in outdtype] length = (sum(spans) + len(spans)) * nrows elif isinstance(hdu, fits.hdu.table.BinTableHDU): # binary table dtype = hdu.columns.dtype.newbyteorder(">") # always big endian nrows = int(hdu.header["NAXIS2"]) shape = (nrows,) # if hdu.fileinfo()["datSpan"] > length if any(_.format.startswith(("P", "Q")) for _ in hdu.columns): # contains var fields length = hdu.fileinfo()["datSpan"] dt2 = [ ( (name, "O") if hdu.columns[name].format.startswith(("P", "Q")) else (name, str(dtype[name].base)) + ((dtype[name].shape,) if dtype[name].shape else ()) ) for name in dtype.names ] types = { name: hdu.columns[name].format[1] for name in dtype.names if hdu.columns[name].format.startswith(("P", "Q")) } kwargs["compressor"] = VarArrCodec( str(dtype), str(dt2), nrows, types ) kwargs["fill_value"] = None dtype = dt2 else: length = dtype.itemsize * nrows kwargs["filters"] = None else: logger.warning(f"Skipping unknown extension type: {hdu}") continue # one chunk for whole thing. # TODO: we could sub-chunk on biggest dimension name = or str(ext) arr = g.create_array( name=name, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, chunks=shape, **kwargs ) arr.attrs.update( { k: str(v) if not isinstance(v, (int, float, str)) else v for k, v in attrs.items() if k != "COMMENT" } ) arr.attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = ["z", "y", "x"][-len(shape) :] loc = hdu.fileinfo()["datLoc"] parts = ".".join(["0"] * len(shape)) out[f"{name}/{parts}"] = [url, loc, length] if primary_attr_to_group: # copy attributes of primary extension to top-level group hdu = infile[0] hdu.header.__str__() g.attrs.update( { k: str(v) if not isinstance(v, (int, float, str)) else v for k, v in dict(hdu.header).items() if k != "COMMENT" } ) if isinstance(out, LazyReferenceMapper): out.flush() out = translate_refs_serializable(out) return out
FitsToZarr = class_factory(process_file) def add_wcs_coords(hdu, zarr_group=None, dataset=None, dtype="float32"): """Using FITS WCS, create materialised coordinate arrays This may triple the data footprint of the data, as the coordinates can easily be as big as the data itsel. Must provide zarr_group or dataset Parameters ---------- hdu: or dict Input with WCS header information. If a dict, it is {key: attribute} of the data. zarr_group: zarr.Group To write the new arrays into dataset: xr.Dataset To create new coordinate arrays in; this is not necessarily written anywhere dtype: str Output numpy dtype Returns ------- If dataset is given, returns the modified dataset. """ if zarr_group is None and dataset is None: raise ValueError("please provide a zarr group or xarray dataset") if isinstance(hdu, dict): # assume dict-like head = fits.Header() hdu2 = hdu.copy() hdu2.pop("COMMENT", None) # comment fields can be non-standard head.update(hdu2) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=head) elif not isinstance(hdu, fits.hdu.base._BaseHDU): raise TypeError("`hdu` must be a FITS HDU or dict") nax = hdu.header["NAXIS"] shape = tuple(int(hdu.header[f"NAXIS{i}"]) for i in range(nax, 0, -1)) wcs = WCS(hdu) coords = [ coo.ravel() for coo in np.meshgrid(*(np.arange(sh) for sh in shape)) ] # ?[::-1] world_coords = wcs.pixel_to_world(*coords) for i, (name, world_coord) in enumerate(zip(wcs.axis_type_names, world_coords)): dims = ["z", "y", "x"][3 - len(shape) :] attrs = { "unit":, "type": hdu.header[f"CTYPE{i + 1}"], "_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS": dims, } if zarr_group is not None: arr = zarr_group.empty( name, shape=shape, chunks=shape, dtype=dtype, exists_ok=True ) arr.attrs.update(attrs) arr[:] = world_coord.value.reshape(shape) if dataset is not None: import xarray as xr coo = xr.Coordinate( data=world_coord.value.reshape(shape), dims=dims, attrs=attrs ) dataset = dataset.assign_coordinates(name=coo) if dataset is not None: return dataset