Source code for kerchunk.combine

import logging
import re
from typing import List
import warnings

import fsspec
import fsspec.utils
import numpy as np
import numcodecs
import ujson
import zarr

from kerchunk.utils import consolidate

logger = logging.getLogger("kerchunk.combine")

[docs] def drop(fields): """Generate example preprocessor removing given fields""" def preproc(refs): for k in list(refs): if k.startswith(fields): refs.pop(k) return refs return preproc
[docs] class MultiZarrToZarr: """ Combine multiple kerchunk'd datasets into a single logical aggregate dataset :param path: str, list(str) or list(dict) Local paths, each containing a references JSON; or a list of references dicts. You may pass a list of reference dicts only, but then they will not have assicuated filenames; if you need filenames for producing coordinates, pass the list of filenames with path=, and the references with indicts= :param indicts: list(dict) :param concat_dims: str or list(str) Names of the dimensions to expand with :param coo_map: dict(str, selector) The special key "var" means the variable name in the output, which will be "VARNAME" by default (i.e., variable names are the same as in the input datasets). The default for any other coordinate is data:varname, i.e., look for an array with that name. Selectors ("how to get coordinate values from a dataset") can be: - a constant value (usually str for a var name, number for a coordinate) - a compiled regex ``re.Pattern``, which will be applied to the filename. Should return exactly one value - a string beginning "attr:" which will fetch this attribute from the zarr dataset of each path - a string beginning "vattr:{var}:" as above, but the attribute is taken from the array named var - "VARNAME" special value where a dataset contains multiple variables, just use the variable names as given - "INDEX" special value for the index of how far through the list of inputs we are so far - a string beginning "data:{var}" which will get the appropriate zarr array from each input dataset. - "cf:{var}", interpret the value of var using cftime, returning a datetime. These will be automatically re-encoded with cftime, *unless* you specify an "M8[*]" dtype for the coordinate, in which case a conversion will be attempted. - a list with the values that are known beforehand - a function with signature (index, fs, var, fn) -> value, where index is an int counter, fs is the file system made for the current input, var is the variable we are probing may be "var") and fn is the filename or None if dicts were used as input :param coo_dtypes: map(str, str|np.dtype) Coerce the final type of coordinate arrays (otherwise use numpy default) :param identical_dims: list[str] Variables that are to be copied across from the first input dataset, because they do not vary. :param target_options: dict Storage options for opening ``path`` :param remote_protocol: str The protocol of the original data :param remote_options: dict :param inline_threshold: int Size below which binary blocks are included directly in the output :param preprocess: callable Acts on the references dict of all inputs before processing. See ``drop()`` for an example. :param postprocess: callable Acts on the references dict before output. postprocess(dict)-> dict :param out: dict-like or None This allows you to supply an fsspec.implementations.reference.LazyReferenceMapper to write out parquet as the references get filled, or some other dictionary-like class to customise how references get stored :param append: bool If True, will load the references specified by out and add to them rather than starting from scratch. Assumes the same coordinates are being concatenated. """
[docs] def __init__( self, path, indicts=None, coo_map=None, concat_dims=None, coo_dtypes=None, identical_dims=None, target_options=None, remote_protocol=None, remote_options=None, inline_threshold=500, preprocess=None, postprocess=None, out=None, ): self._fss = None self._paths = None self._indicts = indicts self.ds = None self.path = path if concat_dims is None: self.concat_dims = list(coo_map) elif isinstance(concat_dims, str): self.concat_dims = [concat_dims] else: self.concat_dims = concat_dims self.coo_map = coo_map or {} self.coo_map.update( { c: "VARNAME" if c == "var" else f"data:{c}" for c in self.concat_dims if c not in self.coo_map } ) logger.debug("Concat dims: %s", self.concat_dims) logger.debug("Coord map: %s", self.coo_map) self.coo_dtypes = coo_dtypes or {} self.target_options = target_options or {} self.remote_protocol = remote_protocol self.remote_options = remote_options or {} self.inline = inline_threshold self.cf_units = None self.identical_dims = identical_dims or [] if set(self.coo_map).intersection(set(self.identical_dims)): raise ValueError("Values being mapped cannot also be identical") self.preprocess = preprocess self.postprocess = postprocess self.out = out or {} self.coos = None self.done = set()
[docs] @classmethod def append( cls, path, original_refs, remote_protocol=None, remote_options=None, target_options=None, **kwargs, ): """ Update an existing combined reference set with new references There are two main usage patterns: - if the input ``original_refs`` is JSON, the combine happens in memory and the output should be written to JSON. This could then be optionally converted to parquet in a separate step - if ``original_refs`` is a lazy parquet reference set, then it will be amended in-place If you want to extend JSON references and output to parquet, you must first convert to parquet in the location you would like the final product to live. The other arguments should be the same as they were at the creation of the original combined reference set. NOTE: if the original combine used a postprocess function, it may be that this process functions, as the combine is done "before" postprocessing. Functions that only add information (as as setting attrs) would be OK. Parameters ---------- path: list of reference sets to add. If remote/target options would be different to ``original_refs``, these can be as dicts or LazyReferenceMapper instances original_refs: combined reference set to be extended remote_protocol, remote_options, target_options: referring to ``original_refs``` kwargs: to MultiZarrToZarr Returns ------- MultiZarrToZarr """ import xarray as xr fs = fsspec.filesystem( "reference", fo=original_refs, remote_protocol=remote_protocol, remote_options=remote_options, target_options=target_options, ) ds = xr.open_dataset( fs.get_mapper(), engine="zarr", backend_kwargs={"consolidated": False} ) z = mzz = MultiZarrToZarr( path, out=fs.references, # dict or parquet/lazy remote_protocol=remote_protocol, remote_options=remote_options, target_options=target_options, **kwargs, ) mzz.coos = {} for var, selector in mzz.coo_map.items(): if ( isinstance(selector, str) and selector.startswith("cf:") and "M" not in mzz.coo_dtypes.get(var, "") ): import cftime import datetime # undoing CF recoding in original input mzz.coos[var] = set() for c in ds[var].values: value = cftime.date2num( datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(str(c).split(".")[0]), calendar=ds[var].attrs.get( "calendar", ds[var].encoding.get("calendar", "standard") ), units=ds[var].attrs.get("units", ds[var].encoding["units"]), ) value2 = cftime.num2date( value, calendar=ds[var].attrs.get( "calendar", ds[var].encoding.get("calendar", "standard") ), units=ds[var].attrs.get("units", ds[var].encoding["units"]), ) mzz.coos[var].add(value2) else: mzz.coos[var] = set(z[var][:]) return mzz
@property def fss(self): """filesystem instances being analysed, one per input dataset""" import if self._fss is None: logger.debug("setup filesystems") if self._indicts is not None: fo_list = self._indicts self._paths = self.path elif isinstance(self.path[0], fo_list = self.path self._paths = [] for path in self.path: self._paths.append(path.get("templates", {}).get("u", None)) else: self._paths = [] for of in fsspec.open_files(self.path, **self.target_options): self._paths.append(of.full_name) fs = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(self.path[0], **self.target_options)[0] try: # JSON path fo_list = fo_list = [ujson.loads(v) for v in fo_list.values()] except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError): # tries again sequentially in comprehension below fo_list = self.path self._fss = [ fsspec.filesystem( "reference", fo=fo, remote_protocol=self.remote_protocol, remote_options=self.remote_options, ) for fo in fo_list ] return self._fss def _get_value(self, index, z, var, fn=None): """derive coordinate value(s) for given input dataset How to map from input to index: int Current place in the list of inputs z: zarr group Open for the current input var: str name of value to extract. fn: str filename """ selector = self.coo_map[var] if isinstance(selector, o = selector(index, z, var, fn) elif isinstance(selector, list): o = selector[index] elif isinstance(selector, re.Pattern): o =[0] elif not isinstance(selector, str): # constant, should be int or float o = selector elif selector == "VARNAME": # used for merging variable names across datasets o = [_ for _ in z if _ not in self.concat_dims + self.identical_dims] if len(o) > 1: raise ValueError( "Multiple varnames found in dataset, please " "provide a more specific selector" ) o = o[0] elif selector == "INDEX": o = index elif selector.startswith("attr:"): o = z.attrs[selector.split(":", 1)[1]] elif selector.startswith("vattr:"): _, var, item = selector.split(":", 3) o = z[var].attrs[item] elif selector.startswith("data:"): o = z[selector.split(":", 1)[1]][...] elif selector.startswith("cf:"): import cftime datavar = z[selector.split(":", 1)[1]] o = datavar[...] units = datavar.attrs.get("units") calendar = datavar.attrs.get("calendar", "standard") o = cftime.num2date(o, units=units, calendar=calendar) if "M" in self.coo_dtypes.get(var, ""): o = np.array([_.isoformat() for _ in o], dtype=self.coo_dtypes[var]) else: if self.cf_units is None: self.cf_units = {} if var not in self.cf_units: self.cf_units[var] = dict(units=units, calendar=calendar) else: o = selector # must be a non-number constant - error? if var in self.coo_dtypes: o = np.array(o, dtype=self.coo_dtypes[var]) logger.debug("Decode: %s -> %s", (selector, index, var, fn), o) return o def first_pass(self): """Accumulate the set of concat coords values across all inputs""" coos = self.coos or {c: set() for c in self.coo_map} for i, fs in enumerate(self.fss): if self.preprocess: self.preprocess(fs.references) # reset this to force references to update fs.dircache = None fs._dircache_from_items() logger.debug("First pass: %s", i) z = zarr.open_group(fs.get_mapper("")) for var in self.concat_dims: value = self._get_value(i, z, var, fn=self._paths[i]) if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.ravel() if isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, tuple, list)): coos[var].update(value) else: coos[var].add(value) self.coos = _reorganise(coos) for c, v in self.coos.items(): if len(v) < 2: warnings.warn( f"Concatenated coordinate '{c}' contains less than expected" f"number of values across the datasets: {v}" ) logger.debug("Created coordinates map") self.done.add(1) return coos def store_coords(self): """ Write coordinate arrays into the output """ group = m = self.fss[0].get_mapper("") z = for k, v in self.coos.items(): if k == "var": # The names of the variables to write in the second pass, not a coordinate continue # parametrize the threshold value below? compression = numcodecs.Zstd() if len(v) > 100 else None kw = {} if self.cf_units and k in self.cf_units: if "M" not in self.coo_dtypes.get(k, ""): import cftime data = cftime.date2num(v, **self.cf_units[k]).ravel() kw["fill_value"] = 2**62 elif all([isinstance(_, (tuple, list)) for _ in v]): v = sum([list(_) if isinstance(_, tuple) else _ for _ in v], []) data = np.array(v, dtype=self.coo_dtypes.get(k)) else: data = np.concatenate( [ np.atleast_1d(np.array(_, dtype=self.coo_dtypes.get(k))) for _ in v ] ).ravel() if "fill_value" not in kw: if data.dtype.kind == "i": kw["fill_value"] = None elif k in z: # Fall back to existing fill value kw["fill_value"] = z[k].fill_value arr = group.create_dataset( name=k, data=data, overwrite=True, compressor=compression, dtype=self.coo_dtypes.get(k, data.dtype), **kw, ) if k in z: # copy attributes if values came from an original variable arr.attrs.update(z[k].attrs) arr.attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = [k] if self.cf_units and k in self.cf_units: if "M" in self.coo_dtypes.get(k, ""): arr.attrs.pop("units", None) arr.attrs.pop("calendar", None) else: arr.attrs.update(self.cf_units[k]) # TODO: rewrite .zarray/.zattrs with ujson to save space. Maybe make them by hand anyway. logger.debug("Written coordinates") for fn in [".zgroup", ".zattrs"]: # top-level group attributes from first input if fn in m: self.out[fn] = ujson.dumps(ujson.loads(m[fn])) logger.debug("Written global metadata") self.done.add(2) def second_pass(self): """map every input chunk to the output""" # TODO: this stage cannot be rerun without clearing and rerunning store_coords too, # because some code runs dependent on the current state of self.out chunk_sizes = {} # skip = set() dont_skip = set() did_them = set() no_deps = None for i, fs in enumerate(self.fss): to_download = {} m = fs.get_mapper("") z = if no_deps is None: # done first time only deps = [z[_].attrs.get("_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS", []) for _ in z] all_deps = set(sum(deps, [])) no_deps = set(self.coo_map) - all_deps # Coordinate values for the whole of this dataset cvalues = { c: self._get_value(i, z, c, fn=self._paths[i]) for c in self.coo_map } var = cvalues.get("var", None) for c, cv in cvalues.copy().items(): if isinstance(cv, np.ndarray): cv = cv.ravel() if isinstance(cv, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): cv = tuple(sorted(set(cv)))[0] cvalues[c] = cv dirs ="", detail=False) while dirs: v = dirs.pop(0) if v in self.coo_map or v in skip or v.startswith(".z"): # already made coordinate variables and metadata continue fns =, detail=False) if f"{v}/.zgroup" in fns: # recurse into groups - copy meta, add to dirs to process and don't look # for references in this dir self.out[f"{v}/.zgroup"] = m[f"{v}/.zgroup"] if f"{v}/.zattrs" in fns: self.out[f"{v}/.zattrs"] = m[f"{v}/.zattrs"] dirs.extend([f for f in fns if not f.startswith(f"{v}/.z")]) continue if v in self.identical_dims: if f"{v}/.zarray" in self.out: continue for k in, detail=False): if k.startswith(f"{v}/"): self.out[k] = fs.references[k] continue logger.debug("Second pass: %s, %s", i, v) zarray = ujson.loads(m[f"{v}/.zarray"]) if v not in chunk_sizes: chunk_sizes[v] = zarray["chunks"] elif chunk_sizes[v] != zarray["chunks"]: raise ValueError( f"""Found chunk size mismatch: at prefix {v} in iteration {i} (file {self._paths[i]}) new chunk: {chunk_sizes[v]} chunks so far: {zarray["chunks"]}""" ) chunks = chunk_sizes[v] zattrs = ujson.loads(m.get(f"{v}/.zattrs", "{}")) coords = zattrs.get("_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS", []) if zarray["shape"] and not coords: coords = list("ikjlm")[: len(zarray["shape"])] if v not in dont_skip and v in all_deps: # this is an input coordinate # a coordinate is any array appearing in its own or other array's _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS skip.add(v) for k in, detail=False): if k.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].startswith(".z"): self.out[k] = else: self.out[k] = fs.references[k] continue dont_skip.add(v) # don't check for coord or identical again coord_order = [ c for c in self.concat_dims if c not in coords and c != "var" ] + coords # create output array, accounting for shape, chunks and dim dependencies if (var or v) not in did_them: did_them.add(var or v) shape = [] ch = [] for c in coord_order: if c in self.coos: shape.append( self.coos[c].size if isinstance(self.coos[c], np.ndarray) else len(self.coos[c]) ) else: shape.append(zarray["shape"][coords.index(c)]) ch.append(chunks[coords.index(c)] if c in coords else 1) zarray["shape"] = shape zarray["chunks"] = ch zattrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = coord_order self.out[f"{var or v}/.zarray"] = ujson.dumps(zarray) # other attributes copied as-is from first occurrence of this array self.out[f"{var or v}/.zattrs"] = ujson.dumps(zattrs) else: k = self.out[f"{var or v}/.zarray"] ch = ujson.loads(k)["chunks"] for fn in fns: # loop over the chunks and copy the references if ".z" in fn: continue key_parts = fn.split("/")[-1].split(".") key = f"{var or v}/" for loc, c in enumerate(coord_order): if c in self.coos: cv = cvalues[c] ind = np.searchsorted(self.coos[c], cv) if c in coords: key += str( ind // ch[loc] + int(key_parts[coords.index(c)]) ) else: key += str(ind // ch[loc]) else: key += key_parts[coords.index(c)] key += "." key = key.rstrip(".") ref = fs.references.get(fn) if isinstance(ref, list) and ( (len(ref) > 1 and ref[2] < self.inline) or["size"] < self.inline ): to_download[key] = fn else: self.out[key] = fs.references[fn] if to_download: bits = for key, fn in to_download.items(): self.out[key] = bits[fn] self.done.add(3)
[docs] def translate(self, filename=None, storage_options=None): """Perform all stages and return the resultant references dict If filename and storage options are given, the output is written to this file using ujson and fsspec. """ if 1 not in self.done: self.first_pass() if 2 not in self.done: self.store_coords() if 3 not in self.done: self.second_pass() if 4 not in self.done: if self.postprocess is not None: self.out = self.postprocess(self.out) self.done.add(4) if isinstance(self.out, dict): out = consolidate(self.out) else: self.out.flush() out = self.out if filename is not None: with, mode="wt", **(storage_options or {})) as f: ujson.dump(out, f) return out
def _reorganise(coos): # reorganise and sort coordinate values # extracted here to enable testing out = {} for k, arr in coos.items(): out[k] = np.array(sorted(arr)) return out
[docs] def merge_vars(files, storage_options=None): """Merge variables across datasets with identical coordinates :param files: list(dict), list(str) or list(fsspec.OpenFile) List of reference dictionaries or list of paths to reference json files to be merged :param storage_options: dict Dictionary containing kwargs to `fsspec.open_files` """ if isinstance(files[0], fo_list = files merged = fo_list[0].copy() for file in fo_list[1:]: refs = file["refs"] merged["refs"].update(refs) else: fo_list = fsspec.open_files(files, mode="rb", **(storage_options or {})) with fo_list[0] as f: merged = ujson.load(f) for file in fo_list[1:]: with file as f: refs = ujson.load(f)["refs"] merged["refs"].update(refs) return merged
[docs] def concatenate_arrays( files, storage_options=None, axis=0, key_seperator=".", path=None, check_arrays=False, ): """Simple concatenate of one zarr array along an axis Assumes that each array is identical in shape/type. If the inputs are groups, provide the path to the contained array, and all other arrays will be ignored. You could concatentate the arrays separately and then recombine them with ``merge_vars``. Parameters ---------- files: list[dict] | list[str] Input reference sets, maybe generated by ``kerchunk.zarr.single_zarr`` storage_options: dict | None To create the filesystems, such at target/remote protocol and target/remote options key_seperator: str "." or "/", how the zarr keys are stored path: str or None If the datasets are groups rather than simple arrays, this is the location in the group hierarchy to concatenate. The group structure will be recreated. check_arrays: bool Whether we check the size and chunking of the inputs. If True, and an inconsistency is found, an exception is raised. If False (default), the user is expected to be certain that the chunking and shapes are compatible. """ out = {} if path is None: path = "" else: path = "/".join(path.rstrip(".").rstrip("/").split(".")) + "/" def _replace(l: list, i: int, v) -> list: l = l.copy() l[i] = v return l n_files = len(files) chunks_offset = 0 for i, fn in enumerate(files): fs = fsspec.filesystem("reference", fo=fn, **(storage_options or {})) zarray = ujson.load("{path}.zarray")) shape = zarray["shape"] chunks = zarray["chunks"] n_chunks, rem = divmod(shape[axis], chunks[axis]) n_chunks += rem > 0 if i == 0: base_shape = _replace(shape, axis, None) base_chunks = chunks # result_* are modified in-place result_zarray = zarray result_shape = shape for name in [".zgroup", ".zattrs", f"{path}.zattrs"]: if name in fs.references: out[name] = fs.references[name] else: result_shape[axis] += shape[axis] # Safety checks if check_arrays: if _replace(shape, axis, None) != base_shape: expected_shape = ( f"[{', '.join(map(str, _replace(base_shape, axis, '*')))}]" ) raise ValueError( f"Incompatible array shape at index {i}. Expected {expected_shape}, got {shape}." ) if chunks != base_chunks: raise ValueError( f"Incompatible array chunks at index {i}. Expected {base_chunks}, got {chunks}." ) if i < (n_files - 1) and rem != 0: raise ValueError( f"Array at index {i} has irregular chunking at its boundary. " "This is only allowed for the final array." ) # Referencing the offset chunks for key in fs.find(""): if key.startswith(f"{path}.z") or not key.startswith(path): continue parts = key.lstrip(path).split(key_seperator) parts[axis] = str(int(parts[axis]) + chunks_offset) key2 = path + key_seperator.join(parts) out[key2] = fs.references[key] chunks_offset += n_chunks out[f"{path}.zarray"] = ujson.dumps(result_zarray) return consolidate(out)
[docs] def auto_dask( urls: List[str], single_driver: type, single_kwargs: dict, mzz_kwargs: dict, n_batches: int, remote_protocol=None, remote_options=None, filename=None, output_options=None, ): """Batched tree combine using dask. If you wish to run on a distributed cluster (recommended), create a client before calling this function. Parameters ---------- urls: list[str] input dataset URLs single_driver: class class with ``translate()`` method single_kwargs: to pass to single-input driver mzz_kwargs: passed to ``MultiZarrToZarr`` for each batch n_batches: int Number of MZZ instances in the first combine stage. Maybe set equal to the number of dask workers, or a multple thereof. remote_protocol: str | None remote_options: dict To fsspec for opening the remote files filename: str | None Ouput filename, if writing output_options If ``filename`` is not None, open it with these options Returns ------- reference set """ import dask # make delayed functions single_task = dask.delayed(lambda x: single_driver(x, **single_kwargs).translate()) post = mzz_kwargs.pop("postprocess", None) inline = mzz_kwargs.pop("inline_threshold", None) # TODO: if single files produce list of reference sets (e.g., grib2) batch_task = dask.delayed( lambda u, x: MultiZarrToZarr( u, indicts=x, remote_protocol=remote_protocol, remote_options=remote_options, **mzz_kwargs, ).translate() ) # sort out kwargs dims = mzz_kwargs.get("concat_dims", []) dims += [k for k in mzz_kwargs.get("coo_map", []) if k not in dims] kwargs = {"concat_dims": dims} if post: kwargs["postprocess"] = post if inline: kwargs["inline_threshold"] = inline for field in ["remote_protocol", "remote_options", "coo_dtypes", "identical_dims"]: if field in mzz_kwargs: kwargs[field] = mzz_kwargs[field] final_task = dask.delayed( lambda x: MultiZarrToZarr( x, remote_options=remote_options, remote_protocol=remote_protocol, **kwargs ).translate(filename, output_options) ) # make delayed calls tasks = [single_task(u) for u in urls] tasks_per_batch = -(-len(tasks) // n_batches) tasks2 = [] for batch in range(n_batches): in_tasks = tasks[batch * tasks_per_batch : (batch + 1) * tasks_per_batch] u = urls[batch * tasks_per_batch : (batch + 1) * tasks_per_batch] if in_tasks: # skip if on last iteration and no remaining tasks tasks2.append(batch_task(u, in_tasks)) return dask.compute(final_task(tasks2))[0]
class JustLoad: """For auto_dask, in the case that single file references already exist""" def __init__(self, url, storage_options=None): self.url = url self.storage_options = storage_options or {} def translate(self): with, mode="rt", **self.storage_options) as f: return ujson.load(f)